Author:Matt Bruenig
When McDonalds Came to Denmark
The story of why McDonalds pays Danish workers $22/hr.
August Job Growth Was Twice as Fast in States That Retained UI
More evidence mounts against the unemployment benefit cuts.
Comparing US and Nordic Labor Taxes
What is your tax rate? It's a more difficult question than it may seem.
NYT Prints Highly Misleading Piece Against New Child Tax Credit
The poll cited shows majority support for making the CTC permanent.
Setting the Record Straight on the UI Cuts
The summer data shows a zero-sum competition for jobs.
The House Paid Leave Proposal Is Awful
If you like the US healthcare system, you'll love Richard Neal's new paid leave plan.
The Economy Will Still Be 5.3 Million Jobs Short When Pandemic UI Is Eliminated
The latest jobs report gives us yet another indicator of how bad the UI cuts will be.
35 Million People Will Lose Unemployment Income on Sept 6
The last UI report before the Sept 6 cliff reveals a coming catastrophe.
State Payroll Data Shows No Employment Spike in States Cutting UI
UI cuts are not increasing employment, only changing the composition of it.
Recent Unemployment Benefit Cuts Devastated Incomes While Only Negligibly Increasing Employment
Net incomes fell by an average of $13,728.