Author:Matt Bruenig
Glenn Kessler Continues His Incoherent Nonsense
Kessler has no idea what he is doing on Medicare for All.
Medicare for All Will Benefit Seniors a Great Deal
Not surprisingly, Donald Trump and the Republicans have it all backwards.
The Dramatic Rise of Public Ownership in Midcentury Sweden
Sweden's experience provides hope for the social wealth fund idea.
Critiques of Labour’s Inclusive Ownership Funds
Some of the arguments are good while others are quite bad.
The Labour Party’s Inclusive Ownership Fund Is a Good Idea
Funds socialism is the practical way to socialize the ownership of capital.
A Progressive Case for a Carbon Tax-and-Dividend Scheme
A carbon dividend scheme could dramatically cut emissions while redistributing income.
The Best Way to Eradicate Poverty: Welfare Not Jobs
Poverty mainly afflicts nonworkers and the welfare state is the solution.
Medicare for All Is Really Not That Confusing An Idea
You can understand it if you really try. I promise.
I Went to Finland and Had an Interesting Time There
A recount of my debate with Finnish MP Juhana Vartiainen.
What Does Sweden Teach Us About Fighting Inequality?
Wealth expropriation, high income taxes, and state ownership get the goods.