Work Levels in the US and Nordic Countries
Switching to Danish work levels would provide 2 extra months of vacation.
How to Think About a Child Allowance
It does not have to be about natalism. It can be about equality.
The Marx Ratio and the Trouble with Coops
How social wealth funds solve a major coop problem.
The Job Guarantee and National Accounts Gaming
On the simulations and simulacra of the job guarantee.
Hyman Minsky Really Did Oppose the Dole on Principle
He was not just concerned about inflation and feasibility.
Hyman Minsky’s Views on the “Welfare Mess”
Minsky wanted to use a job guarantee to eliminate the "welfare mess."
Everyone Can Have Their Own Job Guarantee
The job guarantee can mean anything you want it to mean.
Could Coordinated Wage Setting Solve Everything?
Sectoral bargaining can employ everyone and counteract monopsony.
Only 1 in 3 Americans Work Full Time
If work brings dignity, then most people are undignifed.
The NYT Gets the Finland Basic Income Story Wrong
There has been no shift against the country's jobless.