The Abundance Agenda
A review.
Health Care Administration Wastes Half a Trillion Dollars Every Year
Health insurers are actually very bad.
Eliminating Marriage Penalties Through Universalism
The social democratic welfare state wins again.
A New Way to Support Disabled Americans
America’s disability programs require an extensive overhaul. American Disability Compensation offers a comprehensive solution.
The Comedy of the Winter Fuel Payment Means Test
Means testing insanity in the United Kingdom.
Quick Reaction to Harris Policy Proposals
Some good. Some bad. A lot of meh.
Biden Should Propose a National Prescription Drug Program
Medicare Part D for All!
Tim Wu Does Not Understand the Welfare State
No redistribution of factor payments will ever obviate the need for the welfare state.
Cuts to DC Public Transit Would Be a Disaster, Especially for the Poor
The Metrorail and Metrobus services are essential, especially for those without cars.
Imagine a Central Income Distribution Institution
It's a good idea and a useful intellectual exercise.