The Two-Income Trap Stuff Is Clearly Incorrect
Two incomes gets you more money than one income, obviously.
Blahous: M4A Would Not Change Total National Health Spending
The Heartland Institute is clearly misrepresenting what Charles Blahous said.
Providing Reparations for Victims of Unfree College
Student debt forgiveness excludes a lot of the victims.
Hospitals Will Do Fine Under Medicare for All
Hospitals can offset revenue cuts with increased administrative efficiencies.
Working Families Tax Relief Act Says ‘Fuck You’ to Poor Children
Democrats bizarrely continue to insist on phasing in benefits for children.
US Workers Are Highly Taxed If You Count Premiums
Only the Netherlands has a higher average compulsory payment wedge than the US.
People Lose Their Employer-Sponsored Insurance Constantly
If you like your employer plan, you don't get to keep it.
The Trilemma of Welfare, Middle Class Taxes, and Predistribution
You cannot rely on the rich for tax revenue if the rich do not exist.
Market Incomes Will Always Produce Hideous Inequality
The path to equality always goes through the welfare state.
Single Payer Myths: Crowding Out Other Government Spending
Kevin Drum and Wendell Primus are peddling centrist rubbish.