A Fun Way to Solve Social Security Insolvency
Just have the Fed give them a bunch of Treasury bonds.
Ro Khanna’s Danish Approach to Active Labor Market Policy
Subsidized jobs for the long-term unemployed is a fine idea.
Randy Wray Argues a Job Guarantee Will Suppress Wages
Wray argues employers can crush their workers with JG scabs.
How to Think About a Child Allowance
It does not have to be about natalism. It can be about equality.
The Job Guarantee and National Accounts Gaming
On the simulations and simulacra of the job guarantee.
Hyman Minsky Really Did Oppose the Dole on Principle
He was not just concerned about inflation and feasibility.
Hyman Minsky’s Views on the “Welfare Mess”
Minsky wanted to use a job guarantee to eliminate the "welfare mess."
Everyone Can Have Their Own Job Guarantee
The job guarantee can mean anything you want it to mean.
The NYT Gets the Finland Basic Income Story Wrong
There has been no shift against the country's jobless.
Prior Models for Workable Workfare Work
Helpful lessons from Rudy Giuliani's NYC workfare program.