The Child Tax Credit Cannot Be Administered
Can we finally admit the advanced refundable CTC is a mess?
The Trouble With Analyzing Redistribution
Nonworking people clog up the bottom of the distribution in frustrating ways.
Why We Need the Welfare State
There is no way around it. Equality requires the welfare state.
Did Modern Monetary Theory Get a Tryout?
Monetary and fiscal stimulus is just the normal way of responding to recessions.
Members Tlaib and Jones Introduce the End Child Poverty Act
This is the best child allowance proposal to date.
The Child Tax Credit Labor Supply Debate
It is an interesting but ultimately silly and low-stakes debate.
The Only Accounting Gimmick Manchin Likes
Phaseouts are taxes that are accounted as spending reductions.
Does Inflation Discredit Left Policy Ideas?
The Folly of Means-Testing a Child Allowance
Means-testing is a revenue-raising tax done very stupidly and inefficiently.
The Romney Child Allowance Is Good
A solid child allowance that is also sneakily better than the Dem parental leave plan.